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OIDC Test User Management Ideas Portal
Status Needs review
Created by Guest
Created on Aug 13, 2024

Option to schedule the user list export

As one of the mandatory security measures, our user requires to schedule the spreadsheet export of up to date user list and sent to the desired folder daily. This is for their audit purpose and would really help us a lot! Stated the user's suggested procedures as well as attached sample file.

1) Prepare CSV file on daily schedule, schema to follow the Sample tab.

2) Name of CSV file should be <System name>_Active_User_Listing.csv

3) Drop in NAS folder indicated(Please provide service account so that we can add modify access to the folder)

UAT DWA NAS folder: \\\IT_BSG_UAT\DWA\Active_User_Listing

PRD DWA NAS folder: \\durwsbfs4v\IT_BSG_PROD\LIVE\DWA\Active_User_Listing